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Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a rigid cellular plastic foam material derived from petroleum and natural gas byproducts. The spherical beads of resin are subjected to steam, which causes the thermoplastic polystyrene to soften and expand up to 40 times its original volume. Each small bead of polystyrene is fully sealed so called 95% closed cell insulation.
EPS is produced in a wide range of densities from 8 to 50 kg/m3 providing a varying range of physical, mechanical properties. These are matched to the various applications in the construction sector such as Insulation for Roofs, Walls, Floor and Foundations, etc. Major application of EPS is as Thermal Insulation followed by Light weight void fill, Packing, Packaging and Art& Decoration.
EPS has a successful history of efficient use in industrial, commercial, cold storage and residential construction. Where energy efficiency and cost effectiveness have long been primary design considerations, architects have made EPS the dominant thermal insulation.

EPS has excellent compressive strength of 50-300 KPA which meets the requirement of all type construction applications.

Worldwide EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) also is popularly known us following generic names: STYROFOAM, STYROPOR, RIGIFOAM, FILLIN, GEOFOAM, ISOFOAM, INSOFOAM & THERMOCOLE

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