STYRO EPS blocks have excellent compressive strength, good workability and durability. It is widely used in modern bridges as a filler material which saves substantial concrete and cost. Styro EPS also used as a void former in bridges for service and utility piping usage. STYRO EPS meets and exceeds the technical specifications of American Association of State high-way and transportation officials) “AASHTO” Standards. STYRO EPS void formers are used to create void spaces, void shapes and holes through moulding cement around bodies of STYRO EPS. When the cement solidifies, the STYRO EPS is easily removed and therefore there is a blank space. This is used to build spaces for cables, plumping pipes and electrical networks within the walls/ structures of buildings.
Usage of STYRO Voids:
Void filling
Hourdi blocks
Bridge void fills
Road embankment / levees
Having good physical and mechanical properties
Environment friendly
Construction efficiency, therefore, reduces project cost